Week in Review: October 26th

Week in Review

In Life

My life has been pretty boring this week. I stayed home all week from school due to being sick, spending the majority of my time on the couch, on the computer, watching TV and reading of course! (That’s why I was a little more active in the blogging community, leaving some comments, etc. I plan to comment around more today but I also have like 50+ comments to reply to on THIS blog…)

Also: Is anyone else as excited as I am for Taylor Swift’s, 1989, coming out tomorrow?!?!??!?! From what I’ve heard of the three songs she’s released and the bit in the Target commercial I love it! I know some people are bummed about it being pop, but listening to the lyrics of “Out of the Woods” you can really see the same old Taylor shining through with her lyrics!

In Books

I didn’t get any books this week, but there is one I’m VERY excited for that is coming out this Tuesday…

That would be Diamonds in the Rough (The Secret Diamond Sisters, #2) by Michelle Madow! I read the first book earlier this year in anticipation of meeting Michelle (who is SO NICE, by the way), and I’m a member of her Street Team for the series. But the best part? I’m going to be in the acknowledgements! She announced that she is putting every street team members name in the acknowledgements which I think is the SWEETEST, and also ups my excitement a bit! 😉


As for my reading, being home sick did have its advantages: I read TWO books this week! Now, for some people that isn’t anything, but juggling school, blogging, and reading makes this number huge for me, as I normally only get to read on the weekends. This first I read was Rush by Eve Silver [REVIEW], which was a fun and exciting alien sci-fi! And the second (just finished this morning) was The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin. That book, WOW. I have to continue to process it before I can write a coherent review. It should be up tomorrow though, if I can get my brain to work properly.

In Blogging

Here’s what you missed at Books & Cleverness this week:

I hope you all had a wonderful week! I’d love to chat with you! 🙂



8 thoughts on “Week in Review: October 26th

  1. I feel the same way about T-Swift’s new album! I think she is still the same down-to-earth song writer, just with a different vibe. Hopefully 1989 is as good as it seems it will be!

  2. I don’t consider myself a Swifty but I enjoy some of her music. I will check out her new album tomorrow. My playlists need new sounds, and there’s been so much buzz over 1989 that I want to give it a try.

  3. Yes I am psyched for Taylor’s new album! You have reminded me of it, and now I am looking it all up and listening to it 🙂
    Also, I hope you feel better 🙂

  4. So sorry that you were sick this week but yey lots of reading 😀 And congrats so much on being on the street team!!! That’s such a fun thing with book blogging is when you get to start interacting more with authors 😀

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