Top Ten TV Shows I’ve Watched/Currently Watching

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

Top Ten TV Shows I’ve Watched/Currently Watching

I am a HUGE watcher of TV shows, so I hope I can narrow my picks down to only ten!

1. The Blacklist

Once you watch this show, you can’t help but not be addicted. From the first episode I knew this show was going to be good, and I’m so happy that it’s doing so well!

2. Teen Wolf

I came for the guys, I stayed for the guys. No, I’m just kidding…well, sort of! 😉 The show is really good and these past couple of seasons have raised the stakes even higher. I love the return of lacrosse in Season 4! Probably my favorite show (at the moment)…

3. Pretty Little Liars

This is a guilty pleasure show for me. I don’t think the writing is very good, but it’s entertaining and I just want to know what the deal happened/is happening! They drag the show out a lot, but I keep watching so they’re doing something right!

4. Revolution

I was really sad when this show was cancelled. 😦 I really enjoyed the dystopian storyline on the small screen. It was a bit violent, but the complex concepts were so unique and standout. I really loved it. I still recommend you watch its two seasons!

5. Terra Nova

Another show that was cancelled…:/ But it had dinosaurs and time travel and it was just plain cool! I loved it!

6. Once Upon A Time

While Teen Wolf is my go-to summer show, OUAT is my go-to during the year show. I freaking ADORE this series. My OTP is Captain Swan in case you were wondering… But really, this show is just so wonderful and perfect. I can’t form decent sentences about it. Just go watch it and report back to me, NOW!

7. Downton Abbey

I LOVE this show so much. It just makes me so happy. Maggie Smith is a comedic genius, and there’s not a thing I don’t love about this one…I also really enjoyed the remake of Upstairs Downstairs which eventually was cancelled, but it was basically Downton Abbey but more modern.

8. Reign

Another guilty pleasure show…steamy and royal with beautiful men…*sigh* Oh and scary pagans!

9. The White Queen

Okay, the guilty pleasure of all guilty pleasures… But I just love English royal drama!

10. Sherlock

My friends made me watch it, and I am forever indebted to them. FOREVER.

What are your favorite TV shows?

xo, emily

54 thoughts on “Top Ten TV Shows I’ve Watched/Currently Watching

  1. Can I just say that I also came for the guys…….HAHA Dylan O’brien makes me o’crien everytime! I haven’t watched a single episode of Sherlock! *gasps* But I want to, so I might do it once I am not busy anymore! ;D Awesome picks!

    1. Haha! I completely agree about the o’crien that goes on. Yup that’s me too! 😉 And *gasps* don’t worry, my friend had to force me to watch it. I didn’t want anything to do with it until she made me watch it for some reason… And thank you!! 🙂

  2. I’m apparently missing out on life because I’m not a TV show kind of person. 😓 But I did watch a few episodes of Reign before getting bored, and I’ve bee meaning to check out The White Queen too! I just love me some royal drama. 😁

    1. Right?! I’ve been meaning to read Phillipa Gregory’s books FOREVER. And no I haven’t but that’s another on my watch list. And oh no! OUAT is a must-watch…I don’t know about the UK, though. Maybe you could find the episodes online? Or you could always splurge on the DVDs.

      1. That’s what I’ve heard, and especially since I liked the show I know I’ll love the books! And let me know if you find the episodes and watch them! I’d love to hear your thoughts on them! 🙂

      1. I liked them – I just don’t have enough time to keep up with more than one or two shows and read. I had to give up a lot of shows I liked. 🙂

  3. I am with you on Pretty Little Liars! It is definitely a guilty pleasure. Like you state, the writing is just so-so, but there is always something going on or someone dying and it’s like “I NEED TO KNOW!”

    The other three that I also watch are Once Upon a Time, Downton Abbey, and Reign. Reign is actually a new watch for me- my friend told me I had to get on it so I finally did right after season 1 ended.

    Some of my other favorite shows are Vampire Diaries and The Originals. I think why I probably enjoy Reign so much is because I used to watch The Tudors when it was on, which is still a favorite. The Big Bang Theory, Gilmore Girls, and ALIAS. I know… I watch A LOT of television LOL.

    1. YES, definitely!

      Reign’s another addicting one… I couldn’t stop watching!

      I haven’t watched either of those, but I’m not really into vampires so I never really thought about it. When I find some time I may give them a go though…

      1. I actually didn’t watch Frozen until after the season ended. We’ll see how it goes…but I’m partial to the classic tales as well.

  4. I just went back to watching The Blacklist and can’t believe I hadn’t caught up sooner!

    Just started on The White Queen and I really should look up Reign, ’cause yes. British period dramas XD

    1. It’s awesome, right?! I can’t wait for season 2…I really need to find out who Liz’s father is! I secretly hope it’s Red…

      British period dramas are probably my favorite genre of TV. I could literally watch them forever 😀

  5. I used to watch PLL, but I just couldn’t take the drawing-out anymore. I probably should watch Revolution (I think it’s by the producers of Lost) but I just haven’t. But I’m glad you like(d) Terra Nova! A lot of people seem too, so it’s curious why they cancelled. But at least there’s still OUAT! (I ship Captain Swan, too!) I can’t wait for Frozen to come…

    1. Yeah, I almost stopped, but then my friends wanted me to keep watching, so alas, I’ve been drawn back in. And yes I think Revolution is by the same producers of Lost. My mom, dad, and I always watched it together on Wednesday nights while it was on the air! And yeah while Terra Nova was on it seemed like people really enjoyed it. I wonder if maybe the budget was too large with all that CGI for the dinos? YES OUAT is still going strong! 😀 I love all the Captain Swan shippers I’m seeing! I’m kind of nervous for Frozen, to be honest, since it’s not a classic fairy tale…but the writers always find a way to bend and twist them so hopefully it will fit right in!

      1. Yea it’s not a classic but it’s based off a classic (The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Anderson), and knowing OUAT they’ll find some way to make it a little different but really good.

      2. *shocked* I think I’ve seen it like 8-10 times. Actually sick of it at the moment tho haha

      3. WOW. I think the reason why I was put off was because of “Let it Go” being played everywhere for months. I heard it on the radio yesterday *cries* I will watch it sometime, though. It looks adorable and the animation is beautiful and SO detailed from the gifs I’ve seen on Tumblr.

      4. It really is. And the best way to avoid the hype: See it on opening day like I did!

  6. I’m still fuming that Netflix took Teen Wolf off… Now I have to find some other way to watch it! I was in the middle of season 2 *cries*

    I never expected to be so addicted to Reign either, but my mom and sister kept watching it and I got sucked in right along with them.

    SHERLOCK! Okay, okay, I’ll make sure I watch the episode 9. Maybe I’ll just watch all the seasons again 😉

    1. I don’t have Netflix but my friends were all complaining about it too… I was lucky enough to have binge watched all of seasons up through 3A in time for 3B so I’m caught up. I don’t have cable, though so I’m stuck watching it the day after it airs on MTV’s website. But at least I can still watch it. I hope you find a way to watch it soon because Season 3 took things to a whole new level of crazy!

      And yes, at first I was nervous that The CW was doing a period drama, but it turned out to be SO ADDICTING!

      Yay! I hope you love it. I think you will it was AWESOME. 🙂

  7. I want to start watching Reign sooooo bad. I always see the commercials during The Vampire Diaries and it looks like such a perfect guilty pleasure show, and the costumes look amazing!

  8. I really like the blacklist, once upon a time (Rumple fan here) Terra Nova (Why did that cancel this?) and Sherlock too! I kept trying to like Revolution, but the episodes were just too slow paced for me. I keep hearing about Teen Wolf, but I’ve never tried it.

    1. Yay for The Blacklist! And OUAT! And Terra Nova! I don’t know why they cancelled it…it seemed to be doing well, but maybe it cost too much for the network? And Sherlock! ❤ You should definitely try Teen Wolf! It's so funny. I can't help but laugh out loud.

  9. YES CAPTAIN SWAN. I SHIP IT SO HARD. But mostly, I just love Hook <333 Emma gets on my nerves sometimes. But yeah, I love fairy tales and I've been watching OUAT since it started and I can't stop watching. I've stuck with it for so long and I just need to know what happens. Kinda like with PLL, which I'm still not caught up on. And ahh Teen Wolf! So good! Stiles is most of the reason why I continue watching haha.

    1. I’M GLAD YOU SHIP IT LIKE I DO! My friend and I literally text “asdghjkl” for pretty much all the Captain Swan scenes while we’re watching it. And just all the Hook scenes in general! I agree with everything you said in this comment haha! 🙂

    1. Yes, The Blacklist is so good and I definitely recommend it. I’ve got my whole family and a few friends hooked on it as well. *high fives back* Captain Swan ❤ Those three are great to watch as well. I love period dramas! 🙂

  10. I looked at your post with my boyfriend and he basically did a man squee over Revolution and Blacklist! He loves those shows. I agree with you that PLL is poorly written but somehow so entertaining you can’t stop watching! Reign and White Queen look really interesting but I’ve never heard of them. :/

  11. Oh, Teen Wolf. My friend forced me to watch the first season, which I enjoyed, but I haven’t even bothered to watch seasons 2-3 because I know pretty much everything major that happens thanks to Tumblr (particularly deaths *cough*). So I’m not motivated to watch what has already been spoiled for me. :/ Maybe someday.

    DOWNTON ABBEY AND REIGN. Oh, gosh. I hate that I forgot them. *head desk* I love Downton Abbey even though they completely sunk my biggest ships on the show (Sybil 😦 Matthew 😦 ). And then there’s Reign — I was all for Mash, so I was a bit sad when Francis came back in the picture, especially since I loved the development between Mary and Bash. Oh well. It doesn’t help that I like Torrance Coombs is GORGEOUS.

    I just finished series 3 of Sherlock and really liked it! And I’m going to start watching The White Queen with my mom soon. 😛 She got the first disc from Netflix so I’m hoping it’s good!

    1. Aww sorry to hear you were spoiled 😦 I hate when that happens…

      YES SYBIL. She was my favorite character I was devastated. And Branson…I don’t like what’s happening with him now. I’ll forever be loyal to Sybil.

      Yeah I prefer Bash to Francis, I think their relationship was more real, and Francis can be a jerk sometimes… I shipped Grier and Leith SO HARD though! They were my favorite couple of the series. 😦

      The White Queen is amazing, and not just because Max Irons is in it 😛 I hope you enjoy it!

  12. OMG, I love Once Upon a Time as well!! I also Watch Teen Wolf and Pretty Little Liars. Don’t you like The Vampire DIaries or The Originals??:O Or, have you heard of Beauty and The Beast?^^ Anyway, I love this post because, without it, I would never have discovered Downton Abbey witch looks awesome! 😀

    1. It seems like everyone has started and love OUAT! I’m so glad it’s doing so amazingly well! I’m actually not that into vampires, so I never really gave them much of a thought, but I may try them out sometime. And aw thanks! I hope you enjoy Downton Abbey! I binged the first 3 seasons in about 3 weeks. I watched like four episodes a day. It was bad. Not the show, my watching habits haha! 😀

  13. YES to all of these! 😀 Once Upon a Time is SO amazing! I love the twists it puts on these fairy-tales! 🙂 And Pretty Little Liars is SO addictive – even if it’s not the best written series or TV show (Definitely a guilty pleasure)! Thanks for sharing and, as always, BRILLIANT post! ❤

    1. Same here 😦 And yes I agree with you about Revolution. It got a bit repetitive with Miles always choosing the good side… I haven’t seen Inception so I didn’t know about that similarity. Just thought it was cool! I am still sad it’s gone though. The ending with Charlie and Jason had me on the verge of tears though.

      1. Yeah haha, I was like “REALLY????” when that happened but then I found out that he had other commitments to be a series regular on a different show….so that was understandable.

        But wow, kill my ship, why don’t you?!

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