Top Ten TV Shows I’ve Watched/Currently Watching

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

Top Ten TV Shows I’ve Watched/Currently Watching

I am a HUGE watcher of TV shows, so I hope I can narrow my picks down to only ten!

1. The Blacklist

Once you watch this show, you can’t help but not be addicted. From the first episode I knew this show was going to be good, and I’m so happy that it’s doing so well!

2. Teen Wolf

I came for the guys, I stayed for the guys. No, I’m just kidding…well, sort of! 😉 The show is really good and these past couple of seasons have raised the stakes even higher. I love the return of lacrosse in Season 4! Probably my favorite show (at the moment)…

3. Pretty Little Liars

This is a guilty pleasure show for me. I don’t think the writing is very good, but it’s entertaining and I just want to know what the deal happened/is happening! They drag the show out a lot, but I keep watching so they’re doing something right!

4. Revolution

I was really sad when this show was cancelled. 😦 I really enjoyed the dystopian storyline on the small screen. It was a bit violent, but the complex concepts were so unique and standout. I really loved it. I still recommend you watch its two seasons!

5. Terra Nova

Another show that was cancelled…:/ But it had dinosaurs and time travel and it was just plain cool! I loved it!

6. Once Upon A Time

While Teen Wolf is my go-to summer show, OUAT is my go-to during the year show. I freaking ADORE this series. My OTP is Captain Swan in case you were wondering… But really, this show is just so wonderful and perfect. I can’t form decent sentences about it. Just go watch it and report back to me, NOW!

7. Downton Abbey

I LOVE this show so much. It just makes me so happy. Maggie Smith is a comedic genius, and there’s not a thing I don’t love about this one…I also really enjoyed the remake of Upstairs Downstairs which eventually was cancelled, but it was basically Downton Abbey but more modern.

8. Reign

Another guilty pleasure show…steamy and royal with beautiful men…*sigh* Oh and scary pagans!

9. The White Queen

Okay, the guilty pleasure of all guilty pleasures… But I just love English royal drama!

10. Sherlock

My friends made me watch it, and I am forever indebted to them. FOREVER.

What are your favorite TV shows?

xo, emily