The Future of Books & Cleverness

Don’t worry — this post isn’t as ominous as the title makes it sound!! I’m writing this in part as a follow-up to my last personal update, and also to make some exciting announcements regarding Books & Cleverness, and its future.

I’ll start with my personal updates. I’ve been doing much better, and my AP exams are this week and next, and then I’m pretty much home free for the end of the school year! So after these next couple of weeks, I’ll most likely be blogging more, but I can’t make any promises. I’m really looking forward to summer, but while I was originally planning on blogging a ton, that will no longer be the case. Why? Well I’ve been accepted to a six week pre-college program basically as soon as school gets out for me. I don’t know as of yet how much free time I’ll have while I’m there, so again, I don’t want to make commitments about the blog. I am SO EXCITED about the program, though!

One thing I do want to announce is that mid-August, when I’m back home, I’m planning to revamp the blog! I’m planning on going self-hosted, custom domain name, pretty blog design, the whole shebang. I am planning on using Ashley when it comes to hosting, themes, domains, etc., and Hazel for a beautiful custom blog design. I’ve already chatted with both and they are wonderful. I cannot wait to start revamping when August rolls around! (I know it’s kind of far in the future, but I really wanted to share the excitement. The blog will be about a year and a half old at that point, which I think is the perfect time to do this!)

I just wanted to post this little update so all of you know what will be happening around my corner of the internet in the coming months! 🙂 There are some fun posts that I have planned coming up in early May, as well!


13 thoughts on “The Future of Books & Cleverness

  1. I’M SO EXCITED FOR YOU! i’ll also be moving to a self-hosted wordpress site soon! i used many of Ashley’s helpful posts and Hazel is currently coding my blog design hahaha. also congrats on the pre-college program! i’m sure you’ll have lots of fun!! 🙂

  2. I admit I did panic a little when I saw the title of your blog post! But now.. congratulations on your program Emily! That’s such awesome news and I know you will have a great time. Also I’m so freaking excited for your redesign! I can’t even wait to see what Hazel & Ashley do to your blog. 🙂

  3. Ooh OMG I cannot wait to see the new design and everything! It’s such a fun process and you definitely cannot go wrong with Hazel or Ashley. 😀

  4. OMG YEAH EMILY! I am so, so glad to hear you’re switching to self-hosted WordPress – you will not regret it! And I’m sure that Ashley and Hazel will really make your new design shine – I’m highly anticipating seeing what you come up with! Looking forward to the switch! <33

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