Dusting off the Shelf Read-A-Thon Announcement!

As I have mentioned on numerous occasions, I have a problem with buying books (both eBooks and physical books). I buy them and then I buy more, some get read and others are pushed further down my TBR and start to collect dust. My eReader equivalent of dust is when those little clouds with the download symbol appear on the top of the book cover because they’ve been un-downloaded from the eReader since they haven’t been clicked in WAY TOO long. I know I’m not alone in this. So many bloggers and even just readers in general have talked about this. So, I decided it’s time to take action!

I am SO excited to announce this Read-A-Thon! I’ve had the idea since JUNE and I’ve kept it a secret until now. I’m quite proud of my secret-keeping skills when it comes to this…

Dusting off the Shelf Read-A-Thon Graphic1

I’ve decided to host a 2 week long Read-A-Thon from August 1st – 15th while during this time period we’ll only read books that have been collecting dust on our shelves (or eShelves) for 6 months or more. If you’re not sure the exact amount of time – don’t worry about it, that just means the book has been there too long anyway!

I’m hoping to have some fun challenges or games throughout the two weeks but I have NO IDEA what to do! Suggestions are welcome for fun motivational challenges and games!

If you’re interested in participating here are the “rules” I’ve come up with:

  • Books read during the Read-A-Thon must have been sitting on your shelf (or eReader) un-read for A LONG TIME. (I know, I’m really specific ;))
  • Post something on your blog or a Twitter or Goodreads status update showing that you’re participating and showing the books you hope to read. I’m planning to have a “master post” where I’ll just keep updating it at the end of each day with my progress.

To sign up: Comment on this post with a link to either your blog post or Twitter/Goodreads status update. I decided to make post this now so that you’ll have plenty of time to sign up and share with anyone else you think would be interested! (I hope this isn’t too early…)

*If you sign up don’t feel obligated to have to read ALL day EVERY day. I won’t be! This will be a really casual Read-A-Thon that I mainly made for myself and those of use who want to get older books read.

I would also love it if you copied and pasted the image above and added it to your posts linking it back to this post to spread the word!

This is the first ever Read-A-Thon I’ve hosted so please don’t be mad if it’s awful! I’m basing this off of other Read-A-Thons I’ve participated in in the past.

I hope you all like this idea and sign up! I’ll still be doing it even if no one does, though, haha! 🙂

xo, emily

57 thoughts on “Dusting off the Shelf Read-A-Thon Announcement!

  1. I should so do this! I am a total book hoarder! I’ve been trying to read some off my shelf, but I keep seeing new books that look so good.. I’m terrible! Do you have a bookshelf for ones you want to get read? I’m thinking of making one.

  2. I haven’t done very well with read-a-thons in the past, but this sounds interesting and something I totally need to do. I have so many books that I keep pushing back and avoiding for new ones. I think I am just going to make the whole month of August one big read-a-thon with this one and Bout of books ! It will be excellent. Cant wait to participate!

  3. Oh god, I have the exact same problem! I buy books just to buy books and on top of that, I have this thing where I can’t bring myself to read books I own. I don’t understand why but even if it’s a book I’m really excited for, it’s hard for me to want to read my own copy. But anyway this is a really good idea! I’m not sure if I’ll have time to do this because I’m starting my volunteer shift in August but hopefully I can pop in! 🙂

  4. Sounds great! I’ve way too many books waiting to be read so your read-a-thon is perfect to finally read some that have been waiting for ages… As soon as my computer is fixed, I will be writing a post with the books I want to read. 🙂

      1. I’m still waiting, but it shouldn’t be too long now… I’m excited to finally tackle some of the poor neglected books next month. 🙂

  5. Pingback: bibliosa
  6. what a beautiful banner for the read a thon. cute butterfly 🙂 I found this read a thon on on Ashley’s twitter; didn’t so hot on my first read a thon ..cuz of my crazy life 🙂 but will join u on this one!! I’m excited!

    1. Why thank you!<3 And I hope this one ends up better for you. I've actually never participated in a read-a-thon before…which is weird since I'm the one hosting my first one. But we shall see how it all goes! 😉

  7. sry that’s didn’t DO so hot on my first read a thon. didn’t think there was anything going on in the beg of august…..so happy to have found #dustingofftheshelf whoo!!

  8. I am in! I don’t know of I will be doing blog posts about the read-a-thon because I am in the middle of moving over the next week or so but I will be chatting in the Goodreads group. I definitely need some motivation to read the books I own because I always get distracted by the library 🙂

    Thanks for organizing this, Emily!

  9. First of all, I just found your blog and I love it! Second, I’ve never participated in a read-a-thon before, but this sounds like fun! I guess I better get crackin’ and put together a post before tomorrow. Thanks for hosting this!

      1. I actually already threw one together, I just have to go home and pick out which poor, neglected books to read. I’m pretty excited about this 😀

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